"Lieutenant Gary E. Dudley of the Indiana State Police was killed in theline-of-duty in a traffic crash in Vermillion County, on Indiana StateRoad 63 two miles south of I-74 on Tuesday, August 22, 2006. The crashoccurred as Gary was riding his bicycle in a fundraising event heorganized for the Indiana Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors(COPS) which is part of a national organization dedicated to assistingsurviving family members of police officers killed in the line-of-duty."
Taken directly from http://www.in.gov/isp/ .
It was NOT line of duty... it was a charity event... if THAT was line of duty, then my father in a hospital bed, surrounded by a wall of uniformed officers sobbing is line-of-duty too.
Taken directly from http://www.in.gov/isp/ .
It was NOT line of duty... it was a charity event... if THAT was line of duty, then my father in a hospital bed, surrounded by a wall of uniformed officers sobbing is line-of-duty too.
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